Monday, November 20, 2017

Mountain News - Time to Get a Load of Wood

About every two weeks, I have to get a load of wood to fill up the wood bin in the garage. This entails driving the truck over to the 100 year old miner's cabin we use as a wood shed that I spent the summer filling with split wood and is now also filled with chipmucks and pack rats. This cabin used to be our chicken house and still apparently has very interesting things to eat buried in the dirt floor - or so my dogs think. So I go back and forth between the truck and the cabin, into and out of a door that is shorter than moi, working my way around and tripping over seven dogs scratching in the dirt floor. Fill up the back of truck then drive the truck over to my garage where I then unload and neatly stack the wood in the garage bin that works out to be about a rick, which I think is half a cord. The dogs manage to be in the way here also, scooping up the mice poo that is on the dirt floor, looking for pieces of bark to chew on, and making a general nuisance of themselves chasing each other around and around the truck, causing me to trip and stumble often. I could make them get out of the way but seeing as the wood getting is a family affair, I let them be in the way. Because I love them and I'm a good doggy momma.

So. It's about time to go do this job again. I don't mind getting a load of wood at all except for the fact that I have an overuse injury to my right elbow from all the wood splitting and wood lifting so it's like tennis elbow but is wood elbow I guess. This job sorta hurts my arm but it could be worse so I'm not going to complain.

I got water yesterday from the spring which I normally wouldn't do on Sunday seeing as how it's a rest day but the weather was warmish and lovely and perfect for laundry day. If the sun is shining when I do laundry, I don't usually have to turn the generator on which is a good thing. Free electricity.

I went to town on Friday and got groceries for the month. Yippee.

So. I have water for the week. Groceries for the month. And need to get wood for another two weeks. Then I'll be set to write and make goodies and knit and sit by the fire and take dogs for walks.

Warmth, water and food. So thankful. :)

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